The following are sponsored by the Parish as opportunities to reach out directly to individuals in need.
The Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church Ministry to the Poor provides individuals and families with direct financial assistance for food, rent, or utilities. Volunteers conduct telephone intake interviews and schedule home visits to those who ask for aid, primarily in on Central City and the Lower Garden District. At Thanksgiving, members also assemble and distribute food baskets. Additional volunteers and material assistance are always welcome.
Continuing the work of the parish’s first established outreach effort, begun in 1999, the Harry Tompson Center is located within The St. Joseph Rebuild Center, a collaborative effort sponsored by the Jesuits, the Vincentians, and the Presentation Sisters. Located behind St. Joseph Church, the Harry Tompson Center offers the homeless a place to take a shower, wash clothes, obtain toiletries, use the restroom, and make phone calls. In addition to providing these services, the Center also coordinates the provision of legal aid and medical care by volunteer licensed practitioners. Finally, the Rebuild Center itself is designed as an oasis of greenery and beauty in an otherwise bleak landscape, a place where those who are often forgotten can find comfort and refuge..
Opened in 2001 as part of the vision of the late Fr. Harry Tompson, S.J., Good Shepherd Nativity School provides an excellent, tuition-free Catholic education in a safe and nurturing environment to at-risk children whose families live below the poverty line. This exceptional year-round academic program empowers these children by providing them and their families with the tools to break away from the cycle of poverty in which they find themselves. Visit their website.
Reconcile New Orleans is a nonprofit organization providing at-risk youth with opportunities to learn life, interpersonal, and work skills for success. Since the program's launch in 2000, Reconcile has graduated over 1000 youth between the ages of 16 and 22. The culinary training project utilizes a nonprofit restaurant, Café Reconcile, as a training, mentoring, and independent skill-building site to provide support, experience, and ability enhancement in the hospitality industry. With the late Fr. Harry Tompson, S.J., co-founders Tim Falcon and Craig Cuccia were inspired by the belief that all people are called to be part of the solution by encouraging self-sufficiency and providing viable opportunities for those who might otherwise find themselves on inhumane and destructive paths.
We are a community of believers motivated by love for Christ to serve each other and those who turn to us for assistance – each of us applying his or her unique gifts and talents. A listing of various ministerial activities follows in order to assist you in discerning where God is calling you to serve.
Advises the pastor on matters relating to the financial management of the Parish. Membership is by appointment.
Assists the pastoral team by planning and implementing Parish ministries and events.
Assists the pastoral team by providing various administrative, household and plant upkeep functions. Contact: Julie Vanderbrook, 504.442.2622
Counts collections and prepares bank deposits. Contact: John Combe, 504.834.7984
Prepares weekly hospitality after each Sunday morning Eucharist. Contact: John Barker, 504.715.4302
Conduct weekly (Saturday afternoon) guided tours of the church. Contact: Lynne Combe, 504.834.7984
Plans annual celebration held on or near St. Jospeh's Day. Contact: 504.529-1477, ext 224
Facilitates, for parents and sponsors, seminars on the sacrament of Baptism and assists priest with baptism details. Contact: Parish office, 504-529-1477, ext. 224
Accompanies adults seeking to become Catholic. Contact: Fr. Anthony McGinn, SJ, 504-529-1477, ext. 243
Coordinates adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each First Friday from 8am-11:50am. Contact: Veroncia Davis, parish assistant, 504.529-1477, ext. 224
Provides religious instruction for children who do not attend Catholic schools. Contact: Veronica Davis, parish assistant, 504.529-1477, ext. 224
Leads the rosary before the 9:30am and 7:30pm Masses each Sunday. Contact: Cathy Espenan, 504.344.2116
Coordinates Parish efforts to increase awareness of and the support of vocations to religious life, the diaconate and the priesthood. Contact: Donald McKay, 504.482.0475.
Adults and children assisting at weekday and weekend Eucharist, scheduled in advance. Contact: Deb Ordoyne, [email protected]
Maintains the cleanliness and beauty of the sanctuary; plans and decorates church for liturgical seasons and holy days. Contact: Sheila Campo, 504.454.6929
By delegation of the Archbishop, serve at weekday and Sunday Eucharist in the capacities of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors, scheduled in advance. Contact: 504-429-1477, ext. 224
Assist weekday and Sunday Eucharist by serving as greeters and by taking up the collections. Contact: John Barker, 504.715.4302 or Joe Taranto, 504.832.4997.
Support families through the initial stages of grief following the death of a loved one. Contact: Parish office, 504.529.1477, ext. 224
Facilitates annual gift-giving for Good Shepherd School and Harry Tompson Center. Contact: Cathy Espenan, 504.344.2116
Visit and bring communion to homebound and hospitalized Parishioners. Contact: Parish Office 504.529.1477, ext. 224.
Visits and helps those requesting financial assistance from the Parish. Contact: Madeline Engel, 504.485.6919